Monday, December 10, 2012

Final paper

"The differences and similarities between women in
Russia and the USA"

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"The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says: It is a girl."(3) Also there is another saying in Nepal, "Having a daughter is like planting a seed in another man’s garden.” (4) Women around the whole world have differences and at the same time similarities in some aspects. These differences between women usually relate to religious convictions, customs, traditions, and economic development. In effect, these factors essentially make the behaviors of women being different; above all, it depends on cultural differences in various countries. However, there are also some similarities between women in some particular countries. In general, it is obvious that the differences between women are way more than the similarities. This paper details the status of women in three different countries the USA, Nepal and Russia presents a sharp comparison between the lives of women among these three nations.

The development and advancement of women in society have not always been as accepted as it is in today’s world. Women have endured many struggles and oppressiveness in order to stand tall as we do in this moment and in today’s society many things are taken for granted that women before us only wished to have. At one point in time women were not even recognized as to have their own mind and a right to their own thoughts. (1)

In the USA, there was a time when women were considered second class citizens alongside of African Americans. With the upcoming reconstruction of government rule led by Ulysses S. Grant women attempted to become legal voters after the African Americans were allowed to vote. Through the struggle of equal rights women began to labor outside of the home and their family farms by 1870. Although they performed the same duties as the male counterpart they were compensated half of what men earned. These working women were usually single and young, many of them lived in boarding houses or at home with their parents, this lifestyle diminished upon marriage where they usually became a housewife, mother, and lived with their new husband. By the 1900’s only five percent of married women worked outside the home of those black women were of the majority due to the low wages their husbands earned. Typical jobs for women at this time were food processing, textiles, clothing and cigar making (1). Today women have the opportunity to further their knowledge and careers and are not limited to these low paying and no brain jobs.

In Nepal, women are the most vulnerable among the total work force. Women have been deprived from the beginning of their life from the fundamental human rights, that is, educational, health, nutrition etc. To get job is like a sweet dream of the women. If she is unmarried she can not get job opportunities due to the uncertainties of future life after marriage. In employers' opinion, they may give off the job, right after the marriage or she will be pregnant and give birth they. Also employers think that it is another heavier burden for their company, after forty they will not remain energetic, to give the job opportunities to the women are always risky and un-profitable to the owner. In this way there are several discriminations within men and women in the workforce. Since 8-10 year onward none of the women has been employed in some particular areas, similar experiences in other industrial area has been visualized.(12)

In Russia, women have had little or no power when Russia was under Stalin's rule. While there were a few women that held government office, they were not positions of any prominence and women were still referred to in a derogatory manner. The women who did hold office or were married to prominent officials were referred to as "mistresses of the country." Women in Russia were beaten by their husbands to the tune of 36,000 per day. In addition, a Russian women is murdered every 40 minutes in domestic violence. The government offers no resolution to the rampant abuse of women in its society. The United States has called for Russia to take action against the harassment directed at activists, journalists and members of the Memorial Human Rights Center. The bullying and threats are conducted by local security services. Human rights organizations fighting for equality are under attack. Their offices are set on fire and their leaders kidnapped and tortured. Officially, the Russia government has nothing to do with the attacks, nor does it engage in full-scale investigations to capture the people and groups responsible. Numerous female activists have been assassinated for their efforts to curb the mayhem which continues daily. Many of these women are journalists and political activists who are trying to stem the violation of women in their country. While there are still severe violations of women's rights, including assassinations, women continue to fight. There are women who have become politically active and hold government office. Women are also becoming more active in business. Although the Soviet Union collapsed 18 years ago, women's rights have not made great progress in what is now Russia. Repeatedly on the list of organizations which tally human rights violations across the world, Russia is known to still stifle and oppress their female citizenry. Specifically the region of Chechnya, known for committing human rights atrocities, is constantly being exposed for its actions.(2)

The basic form of separation of humans… gender and along with that come the concepts of masculinity and femininity. “Masculinity is the opposite of femininity; together, they form one of the dimensions of national cultures. Masculinity stands for a society which social gender roles are dearly distinct: men are supposed to be more modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life.” “Femininity stands for a society where gender roles overlap: both men and women are supposed to be modest, tender and concerned with the quality of life.” The Masculinity and Femininity dimension describes how cultures differentiate on not between gender roles. Masculine cultures tend to be ambitious and need to excel. Members of these cultures have a tendency to polarize and consider big and fast to be beautiful. In workplaces employees emphasize their work to a great extent (live in order to work) and they admire achievers who accomplished their tasks. Feminine cultures consider quality of life and helping others to be very important. Working is basically to earn money which is necessary for living. In business as well as in private life they strive for consensus and develop sympathy for people who are in trouble. Small and slow are considered to be beautiful. (5)

Women work harder than men in the US and Russia, they handle household works, take care of their kids, do career jobs and yet get paid lower than men in many places. In Russia even some companies fire women to avoid paying child care. “Household-labor time and market-labor time are organized in part through the social structure of unequal gender relations. Generally, women do more household work than men, women's market work is undervalued, and the greatest rewards for market work accrue to men.”(6) Also, it can be said that the career model of employment is biased in favor of men who have fewer household responsibilities. And this is just one of the many examples where women enjoy fewer privileges than the men.

The situation is far worst in Nepal. Nepalese society creates a distinct role for men and women since its formation. Men are the “protector”, “provider” and held a superior position within the “domestic mode of production” and control the distribution of resources and goods in the family. Although women in rural villages care their family members as they rise, still most of the parents preferred sons over daughter. As a result, many women from rural and urban areas are obligated to give a birth to a child until they have a son. Their bodies are treated as if like a child bearing machines. It is widely believed in a traditional family that the birth of a son paves their way to heaven therein fosters the derogatory attitude towards women. Even now, most of the parents prefer to wait just to give birth to a son  in the name of preserving the customs. Also, it is pretty sad that  girls are discriminated from the day they are born. From the early ages, boys are prepared towards 'outside world' to involve in “productive” and decision making function, whereas girls are detained to the 'inside world' to learn the household chores to be a perfect “home maker,” “dutiful and loyal wife,” “loving mother,” “subservient” and “service provider.” In the same way, daughters are considered to be given away as a “gift” in marriages in the name of traditional practices called kanya daan.(13)

Mostly women’s believes depend on religion and culture of their country. American women haven't been religious like Russian or Nepalese women. However, in the back days many American women, religion provided sanctification of their private roles as wives and mothers as well as opportunities for semi-public roles outside the home, through which they sometimes achieved fame. Especially in the 19th century, pious women often taught Sunday school, and many women served as unpaid assistants to their clergyman husbands, whether in the United States or as missionaries abroad. Plus, a minority of women became preachers or religious leaders in their own right.(8) Now days they don't really go to church, however there are some religious women who give their life to god and become monks. In the USA, Many couples opt to marry in the church of their faith, as it is common for couples to share the same religion. However, many couples today do not share the same faith and they can get married anywhere the like.

Women in Russian believed more or less in God, they used to go to the church regularly. They were, like it or not, tied up with the church: the rites of baptizing, marriage, burial were performed under the holy laws only. Before the Revolution people in Russia austerely observed fasts, each settlement had its own strictly revered saint and celebrated a holiday in his honor. And, nowadays almost every Russian woman goes to the church at least once a year to fire a candle to honor the memory of the dead or to prey for the health of the living. Not many couples sanctify their marriage by going through the church rite like in the USA. But modern Russian women observe only the exterior of the rites without knowing the meaning if them: they go through the rite of christening and get their children christened, they go to the church on Easter and Christmas, some observe church fasts. But this is a tribute to the tradition, religious fanatics are not numerous. Russian Orthodox church did not manage to restore its former impact on the hearts and souls of its followers. But the link between the woman and the church is inherent in all Russian hearts, for they have always sought help from God in difficult situations. (7)

Religion is such an important aspect of life in Nepal that is sometimes said that “every other building is a temple, and every other day is a festival.(4)” Hinduism’s role in the social status of women in Nepal depends on how liberally or conservatively one observes Hindu tradition. Women’s sexual roles, as being either “maiden, married woman, or widow” are defined within the context of their relationship to men. Some sects do not consider women to be human, responding to the birth of a female child by stating, “nothing was born.”Others vehemently assert equality between men and women, and support the role of women in maintaining Hindu tradition.(9) According to the religion, girls officially change families upon marriage. Traditionally families in Nepal consider a number of factors before arranging the marriage. These factors may include caste (traditionally marriages do not happen across castes), religion, ethnicity and also the consideration of ties between families in an effort to build allegiances. It is important that arranged marriage and forced marriage in Nepal are not confused. It is not normal practice for families in Nepal who are arranging marriages to force their offspring to marry someone that they do not wish to marry. The offspring are also consulted and it is important that they consent to the marriage.(4) 

Divorce is very uncommon in Nepal. It is difficult for a divorced woman to return to her originally family and she will be expelled by her husband. Children may remain with their mother until the age of six, after which they “belong” to their father.(4) In the contrast, Russian and American women divorce very easily and often. It happens because they know they can be economically save, in the contrast, most Nepalise women become housewives and depend on their husbands. Also, culture plays big role in women’s life because it has been from the beginning that men benefit more than women. That’s why western women are unlikely to experience discrimination, apart from occasionally being ignored if in the company of man. However time is changing and women in Nepal more educated and that helps to improve the position of women.

Women in today's society have certainly gained influence when we compare them to the females of yesterday; yet there is still far to go until a complete balance between the genders is achieved.(10) Although it is fair to say that women in the US and Russia have more freedom if compare them with Nepalise women. The way women wear clothes, behave, think and their mode of life is very different from Russian and American women. However, the discrimination still exists in all three countries. Despite women having jobs nowadays there are still professions that many think upon as feminine roles; for example secretaries or nurses. Now days women are more educated than before and it helps them to find better jobs. The majority of top jobs are reserved for men it does not mean women cannot have careers. The traditional jobs such as midwifery or nursing, which were once dominated by females, are now open to men and therefore women have been allowed to enter into the job vacancies left by men. Besides this, a lot is still has to be done to make better condition for women in these countries, especially for Nepal.
              Overall, there are huge differences then similarities between women from Nepal, Russia and the USA. However, from the back days till now men still dominate women and in some countries it is visible more and in some less. It is all depends on history, religion, culture and custom where women live. However, time is changing and women especially in the east can have more freedom and equal rights like women in Russia and the USA!



1.Davidson J.W.& Delay B.H (2008). Nation of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic, New York, USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
2.Women's Rights in Russia:
3.Alarming female:
4. Feller T. (2009). Culture Smart. Nepal, London, UK: Kuperard
5. Masculinity versus femininity:
6. Working Time as Gendered Time:
7. Russian Woman & Religion:
8. Portrates of Americn women in the religion:
9. Schroeder E. Nepal:
10.Women in Today's society:
11. The role of Women in today's society:
12.Privatisation, Economic Liberalization on Women workers in Nepal:
13.Social Status of Nepalese Women:

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